Dive deeper into the world of compounds and reagents in our news and blog posts.

June 14, 2023
2,4,6-trichlorobenzoyl chloride (TCBCl), also known as Yamaguchi reagent (Figure 1) is a reagent that is employed in an esterification process devised by Masaru Yamaguchi et al. in 1979 and is also effective ...
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Krystof Sigut
April 20, 2023
μ-Chloro[di(cyclopenta-2,4-dien-1-yl)]dimethyl(μ-methylene)titaniumaluminum (Tebbe reagent, Figure 1) is an organometallic reagent used to methylenation of carbonyl compounds. The main advantage of the Tebbe reagent over the ...
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Krystof Sigut
March 22, 2023
Dimethyl(1-diazomethyl)phosphonate (Seyferth–Gilbert reagent, Figure 1) is a homologation reagent used to convert aryl ketones and some aldehydes into alkynes elongated by one carbon atom coming from the reagent ...
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Krystof Sigut
January 2, 2023
Many synthetic applications use acidic catalysis, but having an extra compound in solution to serve as a catalyst, such as TsOH or CSA (para-toluenesulfonic acid or camphor-10-sulfonic acid), can ...
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Krystof Sigut
November 30, 2022
Trifluormehylation is an effective technique to increase drug candidate solubility and lipophilicity, and so strategies for adding the CF3 group are being investigated. The Langlois reagent (sodium trifluormethylsulfinate) is a ...
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Krystof Sigut
October 13, 2022
Reagents derived from p-quinone such as 2,3-dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ) or p-chloranil are used in a wide range of applications in organic synthesis as quantitative oxidants, however, numerous quinone catalysed transformations ...
author foto
Krystof Sigut
March 7, 2022
Amide bond formation is one the most widely occurring reactions in organic chemistry as well as in drug development. There are numerous ways to synthesize amides. However, their general principle ...
author foto
Krystof Sigut

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