Dive deeper into the world of compounds and reagents in our news and blog posts.

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Krystof Sigut
September 26, 2022
State-of-the-art laboratory equipment and analytical instruments are an essential part of Santiago lab. And since many clients often ask us about this topic, we decided to write a small article ...
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Krystof Sigut
June 27, 2022
 A contract research organization (CRO) is a company that provides its solutions and expertise to other companies ranging from pharmaceutical, biotechnology or medical industry. In this case, research services ...
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Krystof Sigut
March 15, 2022
 Custom synthesis can be beneficial in many ways. These days many researchers from various fields require specialised chemical reagents– starting building blocks, reagents or active compounds. However, not every ...
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Krystof Sigut
October 18, 2021
At SigutLabs, we are working on various exciting projects for many international clients. Depending on the project’s complexity, existing literature precedents, and other factors, we typically utilize either a ...
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Petr Slavik

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Krystof Sigut, CEO and Founder

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We have grown from a tiny lab to a reputable partner of global pharmaceutical leaders, scientific institutes, and biotechnology giants. Our team is composed of PhDs experts eager to help you succeed through high-end expertise combined with cost-effective reliability.

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